From my experience as head economist in the advertising division at the Federal Trade Commission, I have seen that the borderline is not always clear.
For example, the company took a write-off of $:29.5 million for reorganization and redundancy costs in its advertising division.
"The public has been confused and misled," said Andrea Levine, director of the council's national advertising division in New York.
Eiko began her career with the advertising division of the cosmetics company Shiseido in 1961 and won Japan's most prestigious advertising award four years later.
The advertising division and the news division have no influence over each other's content.
In May 2007, the company announced plans to move its sales, marketing, and advertising divisions to either San Francisco or New York City.
This assures both the advertising division and advertisers that circulation claims are valid.
In 2012, the agency introduced an advertising division and merged it with its branding and public relations practices.
Then again, maybe their advertising division is a bunch of idiots (the monotone suggests that's highly likely).
But for the Harry Potter line, Mattel will use its in-house advertising division.