Jane had struck an 'off' period, for advertising goes in fits and starts.
Part of the pitch of free is that when advertising goes away, you need to make something else abundant in order to gain attention.
They're great for us because readers seem to love them, and they're pretty lightweight as advertising goes.
So our advertising is going to be all about that - a nice, sweet guy that you can believe.
Because Wyoming is a strong red state, not much advertising went into the state.
"Occasionally, I get to put my 2 cents in about where the advertising should go," she said.
On the Internet, he said, "advertising is going to develop more and more into entertainment content; advertisers have to play along."
And, in a larger sense, gave us a sense of where advertising is going.
And advertising is going to be crucial to Bradley's closing the gap.
But if it is broken, advertising isn't going to fix it.