The company said the cuts would be made to eliminate duplication in sales units, and in response to an advertising slowdown in Europe.
On Friday, with executives much more pessimistic about the depth and duration of the advertising slowdown, it closed 31 cents lower.
But because the industry is so visible, he said, layoffs can create unfavorable publicity and contribute to the advertising slowdown.
He added: "There's no question there's an advertising slowdown that's very much affecting broadcast television and newspapers.
In November and December "we really felt the pain" of the national advertising slowdown, the person added.
Executives at the division could see the advertising slowdown all around them, making the projections less realistic.
The publishing unit, while hurt by the advertising slowdown, has increased its market share.
The continued success of reality programming, combined with an advertising slowdown, has some questioning whether this is a good time to be considering a strike.
Several magazine executives said they expected 1991 to be an even tougher year because the advertising slowdown is likely to continue while postal rates rise.
Mr. Kittay said the advertising slowdown was not the problem, and he planned to seek new financial support.