It's interesting to note that no large-scale advertising ventures are closer to the pain than the Yellow Pages or Google.
The same year, she participated in a major advertising venture by The National Lottery, playing "Lady Luck" alongside a unicorn voiced by Graham Norton.
Families began relocating to Collegeport, also named the Town of Opportunity, after an advertising venture by Hurd that promoted the area's mild climate and the prospective farming lands.
The small advertising ventures they have established are meeting with unexpedtedly quick success.
The loss is a blow to Microsoft, which had sought AOL as a partner in its advertising venture to undercut Google, its potent rival.
One sidelight to Mr. Ovitz's departure is the fate of Edge Creative, the joint advertising venture formed as a result of his joining Disney.
Putting a Pill In a Pretty Package But in the drug representatives' patter, the usual questions of accuracy and reliability that dog all highly competitive advertising ventures apply.
The whole game is an advertising venture, as the paints are Humbrol and the kit upgrades show actual pictures of Airfix packages.
The Coca-Cola Company is shocking Madison Avenue again by forming a joint advertising venture with one of its biggest marketing partners, the Walt Disney Company.
To the Editor: Your Feb. 5 Business Day article on the Duchess of York's advertising ventures brings to mind W. S. Gilbert.