On the advice of our attorney, we stopped doing abortions at that time.
He pled guilty on the advice of his attorney and was sentenced to 37 months in prison.
Later he had refused to take a lie detector test on the advice of his attorney.
Martin Singer declined an interview, on the advice of his attorney.
On the advice of the town's attorney, the selectmen decided the request was not a proper topic for a town meeting.
On the advice of his attorney, he refused to discuss the episode further with committee investigators, who visited Bahrain two weeks ago.
He has been unavailable for interviews on the advice of his attorney.
Tucker chose not to testify in his own defense upon the advice of his attorney.
Officer Matejovic, called before the panel, would not answer questions about the case on the advice of his attorney.
Chief Wright would not comment on the lawsuit, in which he is named as a defendant, citing the advice of his attorney.