Most doctors still advise waiting for symptoms because there currently is no accepted method for determining who would benefit from early surgery.
Antonio advises waiting until night-time, since the men are so tired that they won't be able to maintain much of a guard.
I was but little behind her, but advised waiting for one more watcha sop to Harry.
She advised waiting for the combined November and December figures.
Others advise waiting until the dust settles, for he - and perestroika - may soon be gone.
So if you can keep yourself otherwise occupied, book-wise, for the next few years, then I'd advise waiting.
Others advise waiting even longer, because Exxon's bill could be reduced after appeals.
Our contractor advised waiting two years before we put up any paper.
William advised waiting a while; once the grounds were empty of every presence, he told me to follow him.
I advised waiting until they were fully embroiled with Jelgava.