Some Democratic legislators and advisers have complained that the Governor's top aides have lost touch with the public and grass-roots politics.
Glover Park's needling of Mr. Bloomberg has definitely caught the attention of City Hall, where the mayor's advisers privately complain about the firm's tactics.
Many political advisers complained that Mr. Bush had not prepared the country for a budget crisis.
"The United States is not sharing the intelligence it has, and that is very frustrating," an adviser to Mr. Aristide complained earlier.
But if it is kept in there too long, the advisers will complain, and Tyke will get angry.
The advisers were complaining about the restrictions on other companies' sector funds.
Members of the temporary security force, as well as some foreign advisers, have complained that their effectiveness is hampered by the Government's reluctance to arm them.
His advisers complain that the Republican Party has been trying to block their attempts to get on several states' ballots.
A financial adviser to Murray, Paul B. Kazarian, also complained to a lawyer at Sullivan.
Mr. Clinton's closest advisers have frequently complained that the negative reports about the President have conspiratorial tones, and Mrs. Clinton echoed that complaint today.