In practice, however, American advisers have often gone on combat patrols, where they have been seen by reporters.
The adviser had gone immediately to the nearest information station and spoken to the upper level commander.
That does not appease the Crists, who say the advisers went beyond advocacy.
Isn't the truth that the Chancellor said to you 'either the adviser goes by the end of the year or I go now'?
This adviser to the Egyptian president had gone well beyond conventional cynicism and into a realm where nothing seemed to matter anymore.
But few advisers go much higher than 70 percent for those older than 60.
The first military advisers went to Vietnam in 1950.
Marina and his advisers went into a nearby boatshed for consultation.
Facing the conference table, a straight table where advisers came and went.
We do not have advisers, trainers, go on land or sea patrol.