But there were times when I should have done things another way, even when my advisers opposed me.
But some advisers strongly opposed the choice on political grounds.
Venizelos supported this idea, while the king and his military advisers opposed it.
Initially Madonna's advisers opposed the idea of cinema verite documentary, since the genre has produced so few successes.
The mayor's office was flooded with demands that protesters be released and her legal adviser opposed the police action and threatened to resign.
Ever since the President's landslide re-election in 1984 on a platform of opposition to tax increases, his advisers have opposed any budget that included new taxes.
Even Japan's foreign legal advisers opposed any such agreement, so both efforts proved abortive.
Henry's advisers were deeply opposed to any such plan, however, which would guarantee a war of succession-but, for a while, Henry seemed determined.
Other advisers opposed his running in Washington because they think he should pursue the 1992 Democratic Presidential nomination.
His advisers opposed it, but he insisted, saying the subpoena's legality could be fought over later.