As early as last summer, President Bush's principal advisers carefully planned a campaign to characterize the war as a blow for freedom.
Mr. Fox's economic advisers plan to present a proposal to Congress that would eliminate the "judicial uncertainty" of antitrust decisions.
Some cynical pundits think that Mr. Bush's advisers plan to leave the hard work of dealing with the mess he's made to future presidents.
What remains unclear, however, is what Mr. Duhalde and his economic advisers plan to do after the devaluation is announced.
He and his advisers plan their moves with chesslike strategy, and they have run a mostly well-disciplined campaign.
Mr. Bush and his advisers are also planning a communications offensive to coincide with the president's State of the Union speech.
Mr. Hewlett and his advisers plan to present their case to as many of the top 50 shareholders as possible.
Against this background, advisers, together with management, should plan each meeting or each round of negotiation in a purposeful manner.
With 16 months to go before the 2006 election, the establishment of the site shows how aggressively Mrs. Clinton and her advisers plan to pursue her re-election effort.
Because Mr. Bush planned to spend most of August in Maine, his top advisers also planned holidays for the same time.