In a 1997 book, "Jefferson's Children," he advocated allowing students to go to college or into the workplace at an earlier age.
He also advocated allowing citizens to deduct charitable donations from their taxes.
Battin advocated allowing federal-reformulated gasoline into California to reduce gas prices.
The group also advocated allowing people to have ample pain medication at the end of their lives, if they wished.
Some who advocate allowing homosexuals in the military have allied their cause with people concerned about sexual harassment in the armed services, arguing that both questions are about discrimination.
Initially, I would advocate allowing laboratory teams to pick and choose among the list and sign up to study just one of these open reading frames.
However, in response to this, the charity has started advocating allowing a degree of risk-taking in children's play.
His report, issued in 1984, advocated allowing parties to seek relief in court or before the Ontario Human Rights Commission by using a class action.
He also related the bombing to the problems within the Mandate system, and he advocated allowing further Jewish immigration into Palestine.