The men advocate changing the state law requiring long sentences for small-time drug offenders, which they say hurts members of minority groups.
Groups advocating changing the laws argue that the abortion laws in Latin America are counterproductive.
Some residents advocate changing the zoning on south Haven Avenue from industrial to business, restricting usage to light businesses.
Furthermore, they advocate changing the tenure system slightly so that there are fewer disincentives for women to have families and children.
In 1884 he became editor of another paper, Odjek ("Echo"), and advocated changing Serbia's constitution.
He advocated retiring or changing the words to Florida's state song, "Old Folks at Home."
To advocate changing the content of the principal rivalry in world politics will undoubtedly be attributed to naivete or hubris.
Mr. Kerrey warned, though, that those who advocated changing the current system would draw considerable fire from the left.
All three advocated changing the rules of chess to minimize the number of drawn games.
And he will advocate changing the Medicare law, so the medical insurance program for the elderly and disabled would cost the Government billions of dollars less.