Not only have family planning and abortion advocates charged that the policy has damaged the population control effort abroad, but it is being challenged as unconstitutional in two Federal cases, both of which are to be decided soon.
Last month, international animal-rights advocates charged that thousands of greyhounds were being put to death in Spain, often by hanging, at the end of the racing season.
Varying Success But increasingly these laws are being questioned as some advocates for children charge that the laws too often shield bureaucracies that function poorly and make dreadful mistakes.
At the time, many Asian-American academics and advocates charged that institutions like Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard and Brown were informally capping the number of Asian-Americans they admitted.
Among other complaints, children's advocates have charged that black and Latino children are assigned to special-education classes in excessive numbers, based on racial stereotypes.
The Public Advocate, Mark Green, and advocates for the elderly have charged the city with cruelty in enforcing state medical assistance rules.
But advocates for the poor charged that the state was abusing its emergency rule-making powers to avoid confronting the serious legal problems with the regulation.
The advocates, on the other hand, have charged the critics with being passive medical consumers and not asking the right questions of their doctors.
Adoptive parents and children's advocates charged that it would leave the door open in all adoptions for birth parents to step in and claim custody.
Does Ms. Schwartz, as some women's advocates still charge, collaborate with the enemy?