His fellow Democrats removed him from the Budget Committee for advocating deeper cuts in federal spending.
The Socialists continue to advocate military-spending cuts and the scaling back, if not the elimination, of the United States-Japan security treaty.
Government employees overall account for such a large percentage of voters it is hard for any political party to advocate even small cuts in public spending.
In so doing, he criticized Mr. Bush for advocating cuts in the capital gains tax.
Both candidates advocate cuts in non-nuclear forces in Europe, with deeper cuts in Soviet forces.
Leaders of the two houses have advocated more extensive cuts that would take effect in the current tax year.
By contrast, the Labour Party tends to advocate fewer cuts and more emphasis on greater government spending in order to stimulate economic expansion.
There was dissension among the members, with some ministers, including Youcef Yousfi of Algeria, advocating deeper cuts.
He advocated cuts in income tax rates in 1960, when the top personal income tax rate was 91 percent.
Better to let the Republicans dangle on their petard, that argument went, than to give voters another target by advocating equally deep cuts in programs.