He also noted Germany's efforts, now being rapidly modified, to protect privacy and religious belief, even if religion is used to advocate hatred or raise money for terrorism.
But this week a state legislator introduced a bill that would allow communities to restrict marches and demonstrations by groups that advocate "hatred or discrimination."
Focus was on defining and enforcing various prohibitions on films or publications that advocated war, violence, and hatred especially if based on race, ethnicity, gender and religion.
No one was actually advocating hatred against Armenians.
He is accused of taking part in conduct prejudicial to the good of the department and of associating with people or organizations that advocate hatred, oppression or prejudice toward a racial or religious group.
"You, who are edu- cated and tolerant of most creatures, advocating hatred for all dragons, even one of good lineage, like Cupelix."
I'm not advocating hatred.
A Web site run by militant Hindus in Queens and Long Island was recently shut down by its service provider because of complaints that it advocated hatred and violence toward Muslims.
People who advocated hatred, started wars, refused to end wars-- you know, the opposite of the peacemakers.
An early draft of Carnivàle gave Brother Justin's real name as Lucius Crowe, a radio preacher who advocated ethnic hatred, especially for Gypsies and carnival folk.