He also wants to train existing local advocates to help their neighbors more effectively.
The advocate helps the family understand the legal system as they navigate through it.
While social workers and advocates for the homeless may have helped organize the groups, the members themselves hold the groups together.
Most advocates said it was no panacea, but would help in curbing and detecting the spread of these weapons.
The system works best for students who have strong adult advocates to help them navigate the maze.
But while most passengers now dread the trip through checkpoints, advocates for the disabled hope that security changes since Sept. 11 could help them.
A good advocate helps people rediscover those values and use them effectively in the health care system.
The advocate may also help small states prepare requests for emergency declarations.
How tragic it would be if advocates for international justice helped them get off the hook.
Joseph says the advocates can help explain cultural practices and identify a mother's strengths.