The advocates held a news conference in Tehran on Tuesday to condemn large numbers of detentions in the past year.
Currently, the public advocate succeeds the mayor, and can hold office for more than a year in some cases before a special election for mayor is held.
The language that emerges in the official documents from these meetings can enable advocates to hold their government's collective feet to the fire, or handicap their cause.
On his death in 1957, late Sri B. S. Kakkillaya, a well-known advocate was holding the office of the president till 1967.
(His advocates did hope that, eventually, his life would cost less - that he would not need constant care and could hold a job.)
Mr. Zwirn said that Republican advocates usually held these jobs, some of which were no-show positions.
But advocates are not holding their breath.
Children's advocates were angry to see the Chancellor's District go but held their tongues to give the new mayor the benefit of the doubt.
On the minimum wage, the advocates on both sides hold views so unshakeable that they resemble articles of faith.
For years, advocates of family preservation have held sway, with the argument that the best way to help children is to keep families intact.