I suspect because those two groups could be expected to advocate military intervention - yet they haven't.
Because they advocated intervention in the lives of sexually different children, some colleagues criticized their approach.
This is going to be a trying time for those who promote human rights, and for those who advocate humanitarian intervention.
He had, at times, been a lonely voice advocating intervention in the humans' condition.
He rarely advocated military intervention as the first solution to an international crisis, and instead usually prescribed diplomacy and containment.
"Clearly we are interested in long-term economic growth, but we certainly would never advocate military intervention as a way of shoring up that growth."
Some investigators have advocated earlier therapeutic intervention, since smaller tumor size at the time of treatment appears to be associated with lower mortality rates.
Many contemporary English observers advocated intervention to thwart the famine.
You are therefore advocating military intervention in the short or medium term.
A movement advocating humanitarian intervention has emerged in several countries since then.