However, Kissinger does not advocate negotiations at the presidential level.
He advocated negotiations with the nationalists in Algeria, so his appointment as prime minister in May 1958 brought on a violent reaction by French settlers there.
They advocated negotiations with the Soviet Union with the aim of a reunited, neutral Germany between the blocs.
While the Imperial cities advocated negotiations and mediation, the princes pleaded for a strategy of violence.
He appeared to open a gap between his Government and the Bush Administration by advocating negotiations with Mr. Hussein.
Mr. Abbas was an early Palestinian voice advocating negotiations with Israel and an eventual recognition of it.
Even between 1992 and 1995, when opposing the hard-liners was taken to be something close to treason, Mr. Dodik stood out by advocating a truce and negotiations.
Moscow, on the other hand, advocated negotiations, but simultaneously armed Hanoi's forces to conduct a conventional war on the Soviet model.
We are advocating meaningful negotiations, if Iran will enter into them, and the increasing pressure of sanctions to try to get some flexibility from Iran.
President-elect Rolandas Paksas said he would not advocate reopening negotiations on the terms of the country's membership in the European Union.