He advocated privatization in order to save and modernize jobs in Montenegro.
"A little late, Latin America is arriving at the liberal era," said Roberto Campos, a Brazilian senator who has long advocated privatization.
It advocated deep decentralization of government power, abolition of official bilingualism and multiculturalism, democratization of the Canadian Senate, and suggested a potential return to capital punishment, and advocated significant privatization of public services.
The airport is still owned and operated by Milwaukee County; however, some Milwaukee business leaders and politicians have advocated privatization or leasing Mitchell Field to a third party for financial reasons.
It has opposed political meddling by Moscow and has advocated privatization and integration into Europe.
But Mr. Harper has managed to muffle differences by stopping short of advocating increased privatization of services.
Prime Minister Kiet, a southerner, is seen as advocating privatization and efficiency and the predominance of law over ideology.
Chubais originally advocated rapid privatization in order to raise revenue, similar to the model being used in Hungary.
Social Security Choice" and a presentation at the Cato Institute, Rasmussen advocated privatization of the Social Security program.