These charges against the two were augmented by charges of advocating terrorism.
The Pop artists, he added, are "using those things, but we're not really advocating stupidity, international teen-agerism and terrorism."
We should focus on all countries that advocate terrorism or harbor and support terrorists.
In this climate, some anarchists began to advocate and practice terrorism or assassination, which they referred to as propaganda of the deed.
"None of the speakers advocated explosions or terrorism," he said.
The following extremist literature advocating terrorism has been confiscated in Kazakhstan:
Healthy people who see a promising future for themselves and their children are much less likely to be recruited into extremist groups that advocate terrorism.
About the sentence "Muslims advocate terrorism", 49% agreed.
Mr. Qatamesh denied signing any agreement, but asserted in interviews with Israel's two main television channels that he did not advocate terrorism.
That sounded very much like advocating terrorism, which the P.L.O. has so recently renounced.