Are some anti-abortion advocates using flawed research to support the belief that abortion does emotional damage to many who experience it?
The advocates of greater social spending are using these proposals to emphasize their sense of a commitment from the 41st President.
More seriously, he said, some animal-rights advocates have used personal information from the meetings to harass researchers at their homes.
And why do prohibition's advocates use illogic in making their case?
When studies in the mid-90's showed the effectiveness of mentoring, advocates used those findings to raise money for programs.
Finally, advocates of grammar schools use Northern Ireland as evidence that selective education produces better results.
The law schools may be in the right, but their advocate used a terrible example!
Not every advocate of drawing in uses it indiscriminately.
Environmental advocates are using the film's release, scheduled for May 28, as an opening to slam the Bush administration, whose global warming policies they oppose.
In another case, advocates of increased narcotics use also misstated a study's results.