A prominent theme with the character is his interest in boomerangs and their aerodynamic characteristics.
Drop gliders had the aerodynamic characteristics of a brick; the only thing that kept them stable was their forward momentum.
For the first flights were justified all expectations in terms of aerodynamic characteristics and performance.
During the design phase, computer optimization was used to achieve the desired aerodynamic characteristics.
The aerodynamic characteristics of new configurations are investigated with an emphasis on validating computational methods.
The X-13 was flown conventionally on December 10, 1955 to test its aerodynamic characteristics.
This changed the aircraft's aerodynamic characteristics so that it became uncontrollable.
This also enabled the landing gear and aerodynamic characteristics of new aircraft to be upgraded, while the weight was only slightly increased.
Downforce is a downwards thrust created by the aerodynamic characteristics of a car.
Due to the capsule's aerodynamic characteristics, g-loadings are in the moderate range, (2.5 to 3.5g).