Air drag can be minimised with aerodynamic features.
This year Santa has the latest thing in sleighs - a super lightweight aluminium number with aerodynamic features.
An iterative process is being used to appropriately size the wing and tail taking into effect, in turn, aerodynamic and structural features.
This was the first race on a mile and a half track that cars had the new rear spoilers installed, which altered their aerodynamic features.
The shared wing design with the A340 allowed the A330 to incorporate aerodynamic features developed for the former aircraft.
While demonstrating excellent results, this campaign showed the need to change some of the aerodynamic features of the weapon.
Instead, like the space shuttles, they are to incorporate increasingly complex aerodynamic features to achieve greater flexibility and economy.
The cars were based on production stock cars but had additional aerodynamic features.
The aircraft's aerodynamic features were very similar to the III's but required an entirely new structure and layout.
This was to keep various aerodynamic features secret from rival F1 teams.