The boat, which is aerodynamically designed, requires Wartinger to lie down while driving it.
It has to be aerodynamically designed so they blow around and past the house and the decks, like a wind tunnel.
The aerodynamically designed body and features of the E39 gave the 528i and 540i, 0.28 and 0.31 drag coefficients respectively.
Its form is very aerodynamically designed.
Some buildings have been aerodynamically designed so that convection via ducts and interior spaces eliminates any need for electric fans.
They constructed many aerodynamically designed race cars.
A total of 13 teams came to Daytona with the new, more aerodynamically designed 1961 Pontiacs contributed by the manufacturer.
The Czechoslovakian Tatra 77 is the first serial-produced truly aerodynamically designed automobile.
The pylons were aerodynamically designed to produce some lift when in forwards flight, slightly unloading the rotors.
Exterior wise, the front bumper is different from the standard Civic designed aerodynamically.