In their natural context yulem objects are typically unrecognized and their aesthetic characteristics are overlooked.
Maple wood is often graded based on physical and aesthetic characteristics.
Bobbers also often lack most of the chopper's aesthetic characteristics such as chromed parts and elongated forks.
But hard structures can, as the report put it, "have negative impacts on the physical and aesthetic characteristics of beaches."
The aesthetic characteristics of pyracanthas, in conjunction with their home security qualities, makes them an alternative to artificial fences and walls.
When choosing a bridge design, Swiss leaders place the aesthetic characteristics of a bridge higher than a country that is less tourism driven.
Basevorn considers preaching an art, so there are aesthetic characteristics to preaching in addition to having a wide knowledge of Christianity.
However, this also generated controversy and protests among students and faculty because of its aesthetic characteristics and costs.
Beauty is an aesthetic characteristic.
Though it may be considered a fetish, some people may consider pubic hair to be aesthetic and a characteristic of a mature male or female.