Still others joined the ranks of the futurists, an iconoclastic group which sought to recreate art entirely, eschewing all aesthetic conventions.
Indeed, the look of mix tapes, featuring hand-written notes on the recording medium manufacturer's supplied labels, has become one of the aesthetic conventions of modern design, a distinct style that designers may attempt to copy or cite.
It has the virtues and the limitations of its Woodwardian genre: contemporary, still unfolding history, filtered through the aesthetic conventions of the mass-market novel.
In painting, the aesthetic convention that we see a three-dimensional representation rather than a two-dimensional canvas is so well understood that most people do not realize that they are making an aesthetic interpretation.
These conventions are the aesthetic convention (as opposed to the convention of facts in the daily language of reference) and the polyvalence convention (as opposed to the monovalency in the daily empirical world).
The cultural capital of such a modernized and differentiated habitus is capable of using differentiated classificatory schema to understand, say, the modernist work of art in terms of its own particular aesthetic conventions.
She reminds us that the battle against the modernist masters was indeed a campaign to counter the sanitised aesthetic conventions of art embodied (mainly) in the practice of painting.
The Daughter departed once Venus was towed to a new orbit, but had never altered her perceptions back to standard frequencies, time-rate, and aesthetic conventions of Earth.
A singular art object is often seen in the context of a larger art movement or artistic era, such as: a genre, aesthetic convention, culture, or regional-national distinction.
The story of Scandinavian rugs is a vital chapter in the cultural study of Scandinavia, as it reveals a great deal bout the aesthetic and social conventions of that region.