The group spoke out against Junimeas strict aesthetic guidelines, and advocated instead an art with a patriotic message and a return to "national specificity".
Because the US investors had put up so much money for the project, the backers were able to write aesthetic guidelines into the contract.
There are no aesthetic guidelines for these development containers, and they may be of any material, size, and shape that suit the grower.
Many aesthetic guidelines affect the selection of pot finish and color.
The program espouses broad aesthetic guidelines over a rigidly defined format.
The architectural firm Cambridge Seven designed the color scheme using aesthetic guidelines.
Over centuries of practice, the Japanese bonsai aesthetic has encoded some important methods and aesthetic guidelines.
Marxism, in short, constitutes the intellectual, moral and aesthetic guidelines of revolutionary literature.
These later musicals follow narrower and stricter self-imposed aesthetic guidelines.
Those who couldn't be persuaded to evacuate were expected to live under an austere set of aesthetic guidelines.