Various buildings of the Tōdai-ji have been incorporated within the overall aesthetic intention of the gardens' design.
But Hejduk, like Kiesler, created a context that helps clarify Abraham's aesthetic intentions.
Her aesthetic intentions had primarily to do with colour, and in her later works from the 1930s she spoke of colours in terms such as cold yellow.
In this defining moment, Eisenman's aesthetic intentions are not that hard to unpack.
For the fact that at the time Picasso saw the work as unfinished, allows us an insight into his aesthetic intentions and his technical procedure.
Thus Acocella's book, like a Cather novel, is a story of exile, as Cather's aesthetic intentions became distorted or disregarded.
It rests on the internal logic of the design's aesthetic intention.
Their "extra-artistic" goals - linked to their aesthetic intentions - concern not only science and society but also basic human needs and drives.
For instance, Arnaud Reid (1982), in arguing that what all the variety of art forms have in common is the requirement of 'aesthetic intention', explains:
No style was more suitable for the building's client, Huntington Hartford, and his aesthetic intentions.