Dag Otto is pretty intense but an affable guy.
Actually, he turned out to be a pretty affable guy, in a sort of blond Connecticut way.
But we just couldn't bring ourselves to pull this affable guy aside and say: "Listen.
After a few years in prison, Robert, a tall, affable guy with an unmistakable Red Hook accent, became a working man, a husband and a father.
"Nick is an affable guy with a brain."
Jim Miller, while he was an affable guy, just didn't light the fire under conservative activists.
But he was an affable guy and always on time.
He is also an all-around remarkable, and remarkably affable, guy.
Walker comes off as a witty, affable guy whom you'd be happy to have a few beers with and talk baseball.
I am introduced to an affable, beefy guy with an enormous chest and thin legs.