Presumably, with his straightforward affable nature, he had more faith in the younger genera-on than was justified.
At some time, a knife had left a long mark across his belly; the ridged scar was at odds with the man's seemingly affable nature.
Though being an awful singer, his friends do like him and his affable nature, Luigi with the goofy smile.
Noel was known widely for his affable nature and affiliations with various charitable organizations.
He also said that the affable nature of Sanjay was a plus during film making.
His affable and wholesome nature makes those around him protective of him.
Welsby's business success was helped immeasurably by his affable nature and his personal popularity.
By dint of its size and affable nature, the portobello is the St. Bernard of the mushroom world.
Her congenial and affable nature easily draws viewers to her.
Paul's affable nature and "bad boy" spirit relieve Carla's loneliness and open up new possibilities for her.