Not only is he an affable personality, but he also has a doughnut craving.
His hard work on and off the ball, and affable personality made him well liked wherever he played in Argentina.
He became a fan favourite in Australia, due to his affable personality and fashion sense.
A combination of his affable personality and the unique features of the product made it an instant success.
As a result, despite his good looks and affable personality, women scarcely gave him a second glance.
Maxwell was a Michigan native with an affable personality, and quickly became a fan favorite in Detroit.
The couple was complementary, with Harding's affable personality balancing his wife's no-nonsense approach to life.
His affable personality and consensus approach work well in a world that will no longer accept a domineering America.
Michael's affable personality enabled him to land rare interviews with many aloof local and national sports personalities.
Grunfeld, an affable personality who is close to Checketts, said he fully expects to return.