The affair prompted a public enquiry into the BBC's personnel practices.
The affair prompted a public outcry which led to the resignation of parliamentary secretary Ray Young, and Court eventually backed down.
Addison's affair with Derek's best friend Mark Sloan prompted the end of their marriage and Derek's departure to Seattle.
The affair prompted In Tam to suggest that the Americans could now "stew in Lon Nol's juice".
The affair proved deeply embarrassing to legislators, and prompted them to strengthen the state's lobbying law in December.
The affair prompted an outbreak of gunfire in Tskhinvali, but no casualties were reported.
The affair prompted an antitrust investigation by the Federal Trade Commission.
These affairs prompted a kind of paralysis within the intelligence community, whose leaders seemed more interested in damage control than in spotting new trends.
Above all, these affairs prompted a general Arab perception of declining Israeli cohesiveness and will to fight.
When the affair prompts threats from his commanding officer and his family in Milwaukee, he immediately makes plans to marry.