The case resulted in an internal affairs investigation.
"In light of these circumstances, we are not going to comment about the specifics of an internal affairs investigation at this time."
Back in Los Angeles, Will is the object of an internal affairs investigation.
These individuals have investigative experience and have received specialized training in the area of internal affairs investigations.
However, it deals with similar themes of police corruption and internal affairs investigations that were seen in the first film.
In essence, what he's saying is we don't believe the Mollen report and we're going to do our own internal affairs investigation.
"It is absolutely ridiculous to say he got his information from an internal affairs investigation."
We'll include films about social issues, politics, current affairs investigations and observational documentaries.
An internal affairs investigation of Sinclair forces him to answer for his recent command decisions.
Forest Whitaker joins the cast this season as the head of an internal affairs investigation (uh-oh).