So, really, please stop pretending that the US congress only passes laws that affect America and not the rest of the world.
Although the movement was essentially a failure, it deeply affected America by showing the power of the black community, effectively giving them an influential voice within society.
This is certainly not the first call-up to affect corporate America in modern times.
Santorum's narrative begins and ends with 'family values', he's got very little to say on the big issues affecting America.
Okay, how does this affect America?
"As much as we'd like to use farm programs as the panacea for problems out there affecting rural America, they cannot be," Mr. Glickman said.
They might affect America a little with their views, but in the long run it would be solid conservative America, the Midwest, which would win out.
Part of the focus includes addressing school shootings and youth violence that is affecting America.
All these things add considerably to the troubles of Europe, but do not materially affect America.
But largely because of the economic changes affecting corporate America, its ranks have diminished to 800,000.