The new requirement does not affect health plans in effect before March 23, 2010.
Not all the new industries - and there were others - seriously affected the European economy before 1914.
Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that affects some 2.2 million American adults, most often before the age of 30.
They can also affect your baby both before and after he or she is born.
Consumer's knowledge and experience affect the evaluation before extension product trail.
The California program would not affect vehicles before the model year 1996 or 1997, so its benefits would come later.
Alcohol can affect the brain at any stage of development-even before birth.
Depression affects the heart in many ways, both before and after heart disease.
Each time, I am able to affect small changes immediately before the attack.
Fathers who smoke also affect the health of their babies, before and after the birth.