Amelanism can affect fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals including humans.
This has largely occurred on the Downs, where perhaps the greatest changes likely to affect birds in Sussex have taken place.
The Council focuses not only on issues affect birds and their survival, but also the needs of ornithologists.
The chemicals in turn contaminate fish and move up the food chain, affecting birds as well.
On land-bridge islands, faunal collapse also affects small animals, birds and plants; whether it will in national parks remains unknown.
Trapping also affects migratory birds at important stopover sites such as the Maltese islands.
We need to show that they are eating bushes down and affecting native birds.
Gapeworm infection primarily affects young birds, but turkeys of all ages are susceptible, the adults often acting as carriers.
If the snake were to become scarce, this would affect birds of prey and other predators that feed on it.
Structures such as power lines, wind farms and offshore oil-rigs have also been known to affect migratory birds.