Check the labels on all your medicines because they may contain ingredients that cause drowsiness or affect breathing.
Opioids affect breathing but at usual doses have only minor effects on the cardiovascular system.
Especially in children, the tonsils are so large they affect nighttime breathing, called sleep apnea.
A bite can affect breathing, and if left untreated, may cause respiratory failure and death.
This week I want to discuss how stress affects posture and breathing.
Slouching may affect his or her breathing and oxygen supply.
Surgery near the lungs or involving muscles associated with respiration can affect breathing, for example.
Herb Paris contains a chemical that causes the pupil of the eye to get smaller, and it can also affect breathing.
When it comes to dealing with anaphylaxis, however, they do not completely improve the dangerous symptoms that affect breathing.
One, the template test, examines small parts of a toy that could catch in a child's throat and affect breathing.