These factors affected all glass factories in the region.
In the 20th century, Simferopol was once again affected by wars and conflicts in the region.
The problem could affect all of the service's nearly 100,000 voice mail customers in the region, said James Jerace, a company spokesman.
This brought an exceptional level of turmoil which also affected professional soccer in the region.
Qatar's limited private sector made it less vulnerable to the dwindling of business confidence which affected other countries in the region.
The additional flooding from Gert affected 24,000 people in the region and made communication with surrounding areas nearly impossible.
The treaty would not affect current American operations in the region, according to United States policy makers.
The flooding was caused by heavy and prolonged rainfall which affected several states in the region.
That might seriously affect stability in the Asian region and lead to the escalation of expenditure on weapons.
The river has been affected by mining in the region with alluvial deposits.