Cugel continued to gaze across the water, affecting indifference to all except the river vistas.
He therefore did not insist upon, and even affected indifference to, the proposed augmentation of the territory of the Empire.
With one accord, and by Glenarvan's advice, they resolved to affect utter indifference before the natives.
"Come, do not affect indifference, but confess you were pleased to have it."
The dynast had recovered his composure, was affecting indifference.
"So much the better," I said, affecting indifference.
"They say that it's about me," she continued, affecting indifference.
Then he turned his eyes away toward the coast which lay on the west, and affected profound indifference to what was passing around him.
He affected indifference, knowing she'd see through it immediately.
Lennon, affecting indifference, was said to be nervous about the broadcast, given the potential size of the international TV audience.