Analysts differed on how the combination would affect Wal-Mart's strategy.
This will clearly affect our own strategy and planning.
So I think that's going to affect your strategy for what we call year-end planning, which is placing of income and expenses between '88 and '89.
This will affect the enemy's strategy, and will force you to improvise.
He has had some news that affects his strategy, presumably with regard to us.
"It doesn't affect our strategy," he said.
But that will not affect my strategy of trying to appeal to voters across racial lines on economic themes.
An unnecessary caution at the appropriate time could affect a driver's strategy and the outcome of the race.
"It'll be interesting to see whether this affects Lockheed's strategy in Europe."
We're literally going through every part of the business seeing what actions we can take to reduce unnecessary costs without affecting our long-term strategy.