That is not to say that the contenders have ignored issues that affect seniors, like Social Security and Medicare.
Although Admiral Larson's action was aimed at encouraging all midshipmen to talk the problems through, the cancellation of off-campus privileges will affect mostly seniors.
Aging Committee Oversees and investigates a range of issues affecting seniors, including retirement security, nursing home quality, consumer scams and prescription drug prices.
Most of the canceled classes, however, are lower-division units and will not affect graduating seniors, she said.
Any solution towards ensuring Medicare's long-term sustainability must not affect current seniors.
"My plan doesn't affect seniors," Mrs. Dole said in an advertisement.
"There are lots of evacuee issues that affect everybody, but they seem to affect seniors especially, because they can't bounce back so easily."
Read brochure from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to learn how the law will affect seniors here.
Learn more about Alzheimer's, balance problems, depression, heart disease, and other conditions that can affect seniors.
Many post job advertisements stating that "candidates must be currently employed," eliminating employment opportunities for up to 16 million Americans and specifically affecting women, minorities, veterans and seniors.