But Mr. Dole's tax cut plan doesn't affect corporate taxes.
This settlement, which remained in force for centuries and affected all later direct taxes, had the great advantages of certainty and adaptability.
One can argue that those measures would contribute to growth, but making them permanent would affect taxes only around 2010 or 2011.
In California, only thirteen initiatives affecting taxes have passed.
If the valuation that companies put on options affected both reported profits and taxes, the companies would have offsetting incentives.
LEAD: The law as it affects individual taxes and personal finances.
Thus, the transactions do not affect a company's bottom line, its cash flow or taxes.
Congress will soon adopt a framework for all legislation that affects spending or taxes.
The passage of legislation affecting taxes remained with Ways and Means.
No bill has been introduced and Congress has not held any hearings, which is common with special-interest legislation affecting taxes.