Officials said the average homeowner would not be affected by the losses because the city expected to recover the money from the people involved in the fraud.
'What worries us is that our sales could be affected because fingers of suspicion are being pointed at us.'
And the residents would be affected because these companies that own the properties would pay more taxes - so now your rent's going to go up.
Many series, however, have not been affected because plans called for them to be introduced before or well after Sept. 11.
The family was also affected by the change also, because the need for slaves.
A company representative assured me that customers would not be affected because people would be hired at the remaining centers.
We are affected by the drought because the less cows, the less children can go to school.
At one point he refers in particular to the fact that developing countries are little affected by this illness because life expectancy there is too low.
Additionally, the coloration of the male fish is affected by seasonality because their color changes when they are breeding.
More remarkable is that even local manufacturers have been affected because so many ingredients they use are shipped from Europe.