Our research looked at mental health services in three areas and how they were affected by the introduction of care programming.
Many parts of urban Ballarat have been affected by the introduction of exotic species, particularly introduced flora.
None of the major implications derived from the simple model would be affected by the introduction of these mechanisms.
Every organ in your body is affected to some degree by aging, stress, and the introduction of unwelcome substances.
Pupils' motivation may also be affected by the introduction of a more traditional curriculum (ebacc) and the present economic climate.
By 1950 cinema attendance had declined and this was further affected by the introduction of television in 1956.
Children who already have siblings tend to be affected less by the introduction of another child.
All the lake bottom environment has been drastically affected by the introduction of the zebra mussel.
They were also affected by the introduction to this country of aggressive starlings and English sparrows.
Tourism is an important sector which is going to be greatly affected by the introduction of the euro.