Although the ban on Urmuz was still in place, George Ciprian made a daring (and possibly subversive) gesture by publishing his affectionate memoirs in 1958.
A sense of intelligent innocence permeates this affectionate memoir of Arthur Gelb's life across five decades at The New York Times.
His affectionate memoir "works brilliantly and artfully as archetype," Nick Hornby said here in 1999.
I've been thinking about Malcolm and the A.U.B. lately because his widow, Ann Zwicker Kerr, has just published an affectionate memoir of both entitled "Come With Me From Lebanon."
In addition to his affectionate memoirs, Iacob Negruzzi also made Pogor the subject of an 1872 poem:
His daughter Georgina published an affectionate memoir of her father a few years after his death.
In 2007 they released the documentary DVD Inside the Smiths, a surprisingly affectionate memoir of their time with the band, notable for the absence of Marr, Morrissey, and their music.
He also wrote an affectionate memoir of his childhood with his extended Irish family, as well as novels on prostitution, boxing, Hollywood, and a travel book.
That biographical nugget, from his son's affectionate memoir "A Voyage Round My Father," seems to explain Mortimer's authorial sensibility: the happy blusterer who revels in the discomfort of timid souls.