It was all owing to his too affectionate nature, which craved for admiration.
He was, however, a man of an affectionate nature, and endowed with lively sensibility.
It was about time, I told myself, that I learned to keep my affectionate nature under control.
He had a mainly affectionate nature (even toward the middle-aged) and, up to a few years ago, took great pride in his appearance.
His bright and affectionate nature won him numerous friends from earliest schooldays.
She was born in Russia and has a kind and affectionate nature.
Helen not only had an extraordinarily affectionate nature, but Annie could feel secure that her love would continue.
"And the boy, having so affectionate a nature, was devoted, no doubt, to the memory of his mother?"
His son, who had an affectionate nature, leaned down and embraced him.
She had an affectionate nature, was addicted to philosophy and was full of an understanding courage.