Everywhere she is greeted with affectionate respect.
He was also Sir George's father-in-law, and they held one another in deep and affectionate respect.
They had markedly different views of literature, but they cultivated an affectionate respect for each other that is almost palpable in the letters.
N'ton's verdict was fervent, and he stroked Ruth's hide with affectionate respect.
She did stop twitting Joshua, though she didn't treat him with her old, affectionate respect.
Has not my consent been daily asked by his looks, his manner, his attentive and affectionate respect?
This is one band that has achieved the affectionate respect of audiences and the music world over two generations, going on a third.
The group of boys looked at the white shell with affectionate respect.
They are our way of giving affectionate respect.
Mountford always spoke of her with affectionate respect: she was a great reader, and did what she could to teach the children of the poor.