Under Ted Pappas's direction, the Goodspeed production affectionately recalls the time when musical comedies were a popular entertainment option, not a once-in-a-decade luxury item.
"Anna was a terror," Mr. May recalled affectionately.
Mrs. Johnston affectionately recalled her father's enchantment with aspects of American life.
Indeed, virtually every person I met in the 40's age group had known a Peace Corps volunteer and affectionately recalled at least one story about that person.
I've always affectionately recalled this expedition as the Great Trauma of '80.
Collings believes, to his credit, that Greenberg "should be anybody's favorite American art critic" and affectionately recalls visiting him in his "idiosyncratically non-air- conditioned Central Park apartment."
In his autobiography, Mandela affectionately recalls Fischer reading the left wing publication New Age at his table during the trial proceedings.
The film ends with grown-up Jeroen affectionately recalling the story and trying to express it as a ballet dance.
"Until he retired his hands were dark blue," Mr. Stancik recalls affectionately.
He affectionately recalled a Republican colleague, Jacob K. Javits.