Moral questions tend to be emotionally charged issues which evoke strong affective responses.
However, it has also been noted that the latent period of affective responses to photos of men and women can end within 0.8 seconds.
It has been suggested that "Colors seen together to produce a pleasing affective response are said to be in harmony".
A discrepancy elicits an affective response which is influenced by the magnitude and direction of the difference.
This is an important advantage because potentially it allows the pupils affective response to two or more different types of learning tasks to be recorded.
Sometimes affective responses to certain stimuli are a result of a lack of sensitivity to other factors, for example, numbers.
Research has been done on how smiling can cause affective responses and thus influence our opinions of others.
It is usually as a result of affective responses in the moment that occur when seeing others partake in the behavior.
At this stage the attitudinal and affective responses to this information are both important.
Distractions severely limit the ability to produce strong affective responses.